Chester is doing well. I know you all are probably just dying to see a picture of him again I took this one just a few minutes ago. He is not really loving this heat because he can’t sit in front of an open, screened window and hear the birds and bugs chirping. I love this boy
Ever since I was a kid, I mean probably since I was in 5th or 6th grade, I have wanted to be an author. I’ve wanted to write and publish books. Over the years, I have tried and tried and tried, but can NEVER finish a novel. I have tons of unfinished novels on my computer an on various USB drives. I even have some handwritten ones from my years in middle and high school.
My problem is my attention span. I get really into something for awhile and then drop it like that. I am terrible at finishing projects. You should see how many crochet projects I have left unfinished. I’m honestly impressed that I’ve ever crocheted anything in its entirety
Something you probably don’t know is that K has 2 degrees in special education and is working on his PhD in the same field. He suggested that I might have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and I tend to agree. I don’t want to slap another label on myself, but it makes sense when I think of some of the issues I have. Also, ADD & OCD tend to be co-morbid disorders, so it’s very possible that I do have ADD.
Anyway, I think this explains somewhat my difficulty in finishing projects. I’m getting to the point where I think I will never get the drive to finish a novel.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can finish projects or even how to get on the road to writing and publishing a novel?
I’d love to hear what you have to say!
PS Don’t forget to visit my friend Diana’s site! She has some awesome Giveaways running now as well. You can visit her blog by clicking here, or check her out on Pinterest, Instagram,and Bloglovin!
Filed under: Cat, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Personal Tagged: About Me, ADD, cat, mental health, Mental Illness, Novel, Personal, Pet, Writing